Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another family's schizophrenia story

Before we found our publisher for Ben Behind His Voices: One Family's Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hope, my agent and I received several quite lovely rejection letters, stating how much they were moved by the story and by the writing - but that they feared it "just wouldn't sell" because of the subject matter.

Now, coming out very soon, another family's story, called Henry's Demons. This is by Patrick Cockburn, his wife, and his son - a UK family, each telling their part of the experience.
Reviewed by the NYTimes, moving up high on Amazon. I've just ordered it, and hope to connect with the family someday. Yes, this subject does sell - and it needs to be heard.

Is this "competition" for my book? No! It is a partnership. The more families that come forward to tell their story, the more we can all work together to increase understanding, reduce stigma, and increase respect. Bravo!

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