Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bride's Best Man

My children gave me away this summer – I got remarried. At toasting time, my daughter Ali got so emotional she couldn’t finish her speech, so her big brother Ben put his arm around her, gently took the microphone, and finished for her. He began with, “First of all, Mom, you look so beautiful tonight”, and the entire room burst out in applause. Ben’s toast was one of our favorite memories from the wedding, especially because he rescued his sister when she couldn’t go on.

Ben is not “supposed to” care about others. He has paranoid schizophrenia. But he does. He is full of love, and we are grateful for his presence. Our family lives in the moment; there are, thankfully, many moments to treasure. We know, all too well, that tomorrow could bring change. Still, we have found hope and love that we once thought might be lost forever.

I am so grateful. There was a time I never imagined I'd have such a gift; there was a time, way before that, when I took its possibility for granted.


  1. I was at your reading tonight at the Ridgefield Public Library and I must say "Well done, sensitive and informative." I have always admired your strength, fortitude and talent. A consummate communicator you have touched and helped many people with your story. You offer hope, compassion and understanding to those who are embroiled in similar circumstances and that is a very special gift indeed.

  2. apologies - I just realized you had posted a comment! will check more often. thanks for attending the reading - I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm updating this blog regularly now, so hopefully more people will find hope as compassion as well. Feel free to spread the word - and hopefully the memior will find its way to the right publisher soon. Best to you,
